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Borisova, Tatiana. “Texts and Icons in Worship, Communication, Propaganda: On the Contribution of a Philologist to Research on Icon Transfer.” Museikon 4 (2020): 213-220 (read and download: here)
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Dumitran, Ana, Veronka Dane, Vasile Rus, Volker Wollmann. “Russian Icon Marketing in Transylvania as a Means of Political and Social Destabilization.” Annales Universitatis Apulensis Series Historica 25, I (2021): 145-187 (read and download here)
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Katopi, Sofia.”Pious Russian Soldiers, Devout Cretan Donors, and the Church: Transfer and Reception of Russian Icons and Ecclesiastical Utensils on the Island of Crete.” Museikon, 6 (2022): 181-196 (read and download here)
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Seraïdari, Katerina. “Transporter, cacher, détruire : les « objets réfugiés » des orthodoxes de Turquie (1912-1924).” Perspective 1 (2022): 133-144.
Seraïdari, Katerina. “Du caviar au vin : la question du luxe sur le mont Athos (XIXe-XXIe siècle).” Communications, n. 111 (2022): 85-95.
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