Dr. Daria Resh
Institute for Mediterranean Studies – FORTH

Areas of Special Interest:
Byzantine literary culture, Byzantine and Slavic hagiography, cult of Saints, narrative and storytelling in the premodern Mediterranean
PhD in Classics, Brown University, Department of Classics, 2018
MA in Byzantine and Neo-Hellenic Studies, Department of Philology and Arts,
St. Petersburg State University, 2011
BA in History, Ural State Gorky University, Department of History, 2009
Daria Resh is a researcher at the Department of Classics at New York University. She works on Byzantine literary culture, and has published on the theory and socio-cultural significance of rewriting—her doctoral thesis is titled “Metaphrasis in Byzantine Hagiography: The Early History of the Genre (ca. 800–1000)” (Brown University 2018). Together with David Konstan (NYU), she has won a three-year grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for the critical edition, with translation and commentary, of the Greek dossiers of Sts Barbara and Katherine.
Selected Publications
“Subjectivity and Truth in Hagiographical Discourse: The Case of St. Barbara’s Dossier,” in Vincent Déroche, Christian Høgel, Anna Lampadaridi (eds.), L’histoire comme elle se présentait dans l’hagiographie (Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Uppsaliensis, forthcoming).
“The First Metaphrast: Ioannes, Bishop of Sardeis,” in Anne Alwis, Martin Hinterberger, and Elisabeth Schiffer (eds.), Metaphrasis in Byzantine Literature (Turnhout: Brepols, forthcoming in 2020).
“What is Metaphrasis? The Case of Ioannes of Sardeis (BHG 215i),” in Stavroula Constantinou and Christian Høgel (eds.), Metaphrasis: A Byzantine Concept of Rewriting and Its Hagiographical Products (Leiden: Brill, in press): 139-175.
“Toward a Byzantine Definition of Metaphrasis”, GRBS 55-3 (2015): 754-787.