Georgi Mitov
Institute of Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
Historian, Philologist

Areas of Special Interests:
Byzantine and Post-byzantine cultural history, Greek and Slavic palaeography and diplomatic, and relations between Russia and Mount Athos.
Post graduate studies in Classical Philology, Accademia “Vivarium Novum”, Italy
BA in History, Sofia University, Sofia
Georgi Mitov (Sofia, 1996) studied Classical Philology at the Accademia “Vivarium Novum” (Rome) and History at Sofia University. Since 2015 he has been a library and archive assistant in the Zografou Monastery, Holy Mount of Athos (Greece). Digitizing Greek and Slavonic manuscripts and cataloguing old-printed Greek books. He also teaches Latin and Ancient Greek in “Classics Summer School” in Tryavna (Bulgaria) and in “Septimana Latina Bulgarica”, in cooperation with Accademia “Vivarium Novum” and “Oxford Latinitas Project” (Oxford University). His research interests include, among other topics, the Byzantine and Post-Byzantine cultural studies, the Greek-Slavic cultural relations and the History of Mount Athos. Since October 2019, he works at the Institute of Balkan Studies and Center of Thracology of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Selected Publications
“Actes de l’Athos” – основни концепции за издаването на атонските документи (Central Concepts for the Publication of Athonite Documents). – Университетски четения по архивистика.Т. V., С., 2017, 324-337.
Васил Априлов в търсене на документи за средновековното българско минало. (Vasil Aprilov in Search of Documents for the Bulgarian Middle Ages) – Зографски съборник. Зографският архив и библиотека. Изследвания и перспективи. (Гл. ред. Д. Пеев). Зографска света обител, Света Гора-Атон, 2019, 413-444.