Fourth Museikon Restoration Workshop: Approaches and Chalenges in the Restoration of Russian Icons, September 29-30, 2021
An online workshop on the Restoration of Russian icons (methodology and approaches) was organised via the zoom platform on September 29-30, 2021. RICONTRANS collaborator, Dumitrița Filip, presented her report on the analysis and research, from the restorator’s perspective, made on a group of Russian icons from the Museikon collection in Alba Iulia, for the RICONTRANS Project. The focus of the workshop was on the results of the interdisciplinary research and collaboration with the chemist scholars. Several Romanian restorers who worked on Russian icons were invited to share their results. The workshop was open for all interested participants:
Zoom link Day 1: September 29, 2021:
Zoom link Day 2: September 30, 2021: